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A wreaths is an array of flowers, leaves, fruit, twigs, or various materials constructed to form a circle.

In English-speaking countries, wreaths are generally used as home decorations, most often as Advent and Christmas decorations. They are also used in ceremonial events in many cultures around the world. They can be worn as a rosary around the head or as a garland around the neck.


The word crown comes from Middle English writer and Old English with the band.


Ancient Etruscan Crowns

Crowns were a design used in ancient times in southern Europe. The best known are the jewels of the Etruscan civilization, in gold or other precious metals. Symbols from Greek myths frequently appear in the designs, engraved in precious metal on the ends of the crown. Ancient Roman writers referred to the Etruscan coronas utilizing crowns with leaves sewn onto a background.

These crowns resemble a tiara, with thin metal leaves attached to an ornamental band. The peaks also appear stamped in Etruscan medallions. The plants in making Etruscan jewellery crowns include ivy, oak, olive leaves, myrtle, laurel, wheat, and vines.

Etruscan rulers wore crowns like crowns. Etruscan symbolism continued to use in ancient Greece and Rome. Roman magistrates also wore gold crowns as a symbolic testament to their lineage to the early Etruscan rulers of Rome. Roman magistrates also used several other important Etruscan symbols besides a gold crown: fasces, a curule chair, a purple toga, and an ivory staff.


Ancient Greece and Rome

In the Greco-Roman world, crowns were worn as an ornament that could represent a person’s profession, rank, achievements, and status. The crown that was commonly worn was the laurel wreath. The use of this crown comes from the Greek myth of Apollo, son of Zeus and god of life and light, who fell in love with the nymph Daphne. When he chased her, she ran away from her and asked the river god Peneus to help her. Peneus turned her into a laurel. From that day on, Apollo wore a laurel wreath on his head. Laurel wreaths were associated with what Apollo embodied; victory, achievement, and status and would later become one of the most widely used symbols of achievement in Greece and Rome. Laurel wreaths remain used to crown victorious athletes at the first Olympic Games and are still worn in Italy by recently graduated university students.

Other types of plants used to make wreaths also had symbolic meanings. For example, oak leaves represented wisdom and were associated with Zeus, who, according to Greek mythology, made his decisions while resting in an oak grove. The Twelve Tables, dating from 450 B.C. A.D. refer to funeral wreaths as a long tradition. The olive wreath was the winner’s prize at the ancient Olympic Games.

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